In Switzerland, Women didn't have the right to vote until 1973... and in some cantons (= roughly like states/provinces/counties), Women weren't allowed to vote in local/regional elections until 1991.

I gotta wonder what Swiss Women—especially those old enough to remember the days when Women were denied the franchise—are thinking about all this tr00n bullshit.

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With you all the way hen,right to the end of this fucking fruit loop era-reality will out doll,never doubt it😘

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What a well. Organised event. Thanks to the WRP women's Rights Party NZ. It was a good morning and even the wind is angry at the changes

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It sure was!

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"Fucked in the head" is right about women who think men can get pregnant. Goes to show how when our main ways of communication get taken over by the fucktards, people get fucked in the head.

I liked how Di mentioned that, revered as she is, Kate Sheppard was instrumental in not allowing Māori women with a moko kauae in the Suffragist movement. I think it's good to acknowledge the flaws we humans have, without feeling that we can no longer respect the other things we or others do, or have done (within reason, of course)

I note that Meri Te Tai Mangakāhia didn't have a moko kauae - would that have been unusual back then?

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Like all things tangata, it varied from iwi to iwi/tribe to tribe.

Some reserved it for the higher-ups, where it's our birthright low or high.

The meritocracy concept wasn't ours either.

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Thanks, Rex

Have crossed posted the great video😀



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What a fine bunch of TERFy women! 🥰 And such a lovely shade of purple, I might add. Those memes hit the spot, too. 🎯 Keep’em comin’! ☮️❤️🐾

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Loving the rouges gallery down here in Central Otago...well impressed! XXX Debs H.

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I LOVE these suffragists You are all reseplendant and I am so inspired!!

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We had such a lovely day; now we've got costumes, we might be popping up D. Somewhere Else.

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i want a costume too. You were all so creative. I have a sewing machine - i will make this happen. I will promise you I will wear my suffrage outfit on halloween! it is a good start and lots of talking points!

There is a Broadway show ATM called Suffs on the history of the American movement for suffrage. The whole cast is "ladies" and the female character of the prison warden is played by a man! a tranny man. a man slab, an insufferable bloke. Broadway is dead. NYC...dead!

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How disgusting - they skinwalk every-fucken-thing and wonder why we’re pissed.

Trannys are mentally ill: Make Asylums Great Again!

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You all look fab!

I'm not engaging with troon-aid drinking handmaidens ever again. They just spew out all the rhetoric and think they've trumped you when they tell you you're "full of anger and hate".

I want to keep a list of their names and Medicare numbers, so when we do get to be fully fledged adult human females again we can say...oh sorry, not today, not for you.

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Yep I get that alot 'why are you so full of anger and hate' Trauma at seeing you ugly big horrors pretending to be women and not being able to punch you all!

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If you're not angry, you haven't been playing attention.

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I've been angry a long long time about all of this,but I'm not full of hate for the kids being indoctrinated, only the perverts and predators. For them I have special 100% proof drams of hatred.

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