Jesus fucking Christ! Finally some plaint language. Thank you, hero!

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Another great piece Rex. You absolutely speak the truth! All this boils down to is dirty perverted blokes. They can fuck off.

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That's why we hardly hear about the women being destroyed by this, it's a male supremacy movement - why, they're even better WOMEN than us, bIgOt! LoL. Thanks, Lynds x

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Yes, I’ve heard that! It shows the arrogance of these perverts! Liars!

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Very cool.

Do you mind if I use a couple of the images for stickers some time? I usually photocopy my own on sticker paper.

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Okay but what does the upper left image in that collage have to do with anything?

I don't like anyone who's pointlessly destructive. I don't care who they are. No one gets to be a special victim, no one gets a free pass. Never.

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I don't have the will to explain it to you if you don't understand it.

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It shows the idiocy of the trans cult.

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The idiocy of the trans cult is evident in what they say ! Look at that insane man with a pacifier! He’s really over the top . A candidate for an insane asylum! And the threat on his T-shirt! What pronoun does he want! Wawa Wawa?

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He'd snap like a toothpick if he encountered me and tried that shit.

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Which collage?

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I thought it was the Palestine meme she didn't get. Time is short, I can't be explaining humour to the humourless, Reni.

Like turkeys voting for Thanksgiving.

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With you.

No pronouns! No capitulation to thieves and denigrators of the female sex class! Make women’s spaces less “safe” than the men’s for these dudes.

Challenge traitor handmaidens to MODEL THE BEHAVIOR they expect girls and grandmas to adopt - strip in front of men strange to themselves, right there and then. (Ask “men” to step out, reminding all that “gender fluidity” is heck’n “valid”).

#No #modelthebehavior #YouFirst #IHatePerverts

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Women's restrooms *are* less safe than men's for these dudes. Ever notice you never hear news stories about men attacking TIMs in the men's?

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Re news: Could that be partly due to these men using the women’s, Not the men’s? Hence, our problem.

My point is to establish women’s spaces as unpalatable to the scrotes. Many pest control methods exist. Women need to use them.

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Do you have any in mind? Like some kind of spray. Deer spray is pretty smelly.. sort of like rotten eggs.

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They would probably enjoy something stinky…everything backfires with these pervs.

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