🤢🤮why why🤮🤢🤮🤮🤮

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Well, you said it - they are laughing all the way to the bank and yes, these corporations colonized biological sex in order to profit. Of course, in so-called 'democratic' countries like the USA and Canada you have to 'market' stuff to people. What is marketing? It's basically convincing people to believe that when they want something - it is actually their idea. They started by poisoning the minds at universities with neo-Marxist crap by Judith Butler and others. They started to problematize the obvious categories such as biological sex. And here we are...!!!

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The correction to put humanity back on course can't come soon enough, friend. And this is merely paving the way for transhumanism and all its attendant horrors. This is just a precursor. I feel overwhelmed some days, then I remember I'm a grown adult, and to think of the children, all the children. And I put my Big Girl Pants back on and re-enter the fray #NEVERSurrender #NoQuarter

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How are you so fucking brilliant? You’re living proof we don’t need to…MUST NOT….fumblefuck around with flowery, accepting, inclusive, BULLSHIT language when it comes to this goddamn horror show. Well done.

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🤢🤮 Geeeeeeez. Aaaaaagh! 🤮🤮 No words. 😢😠😡🤬

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