Thanks for being with us for this day Rex, when the Midwifery Council were told (again) that they are dragging unwilling Women Babies and Midwives into their Gender and Race-justice clap trap. 90.8% opposed and 7421 signed the petition. I begrudge paying every cent of my Annual Practicing Certificate ($790) to these racist, sexist fools.

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The honour and pleasure is MINE, Debbie. You rock!

Not all heroes wear capes, and you are one of mine. Biology dictates reality.

These too-well-paid quislings FA/FO: I hope we ruined not just their afternoon, but their entire weekend too!

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Great précis of the oral submissions, Rex. I watched the livestream, and it was exactly as you say. I couldn't see the Midwifery Council representatives before they came to the table to have their say, so didn't see their smugness beforehand. They weren't smug by the time they were in front of the Petitions Committe, and these well-paid women came across as amateurs compared to Deb, Sarah, and Di.

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Can't wait for the replay, K.

They've been too long sniffing each other's farts.

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Wish I could have seen it, well done to all. 👏Its bad enough when they destroy our rights but it’s off the scale when they involve innocent children.

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If the captured lickspittles in our government put the stream up, I'll post it here for your viewing pleasure. Fingers x!

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Great, thanks Rex xx

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Wahine at their best !!! Go girls.

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Brilliant! Your comebacks are just too much! 🤣☮️❤️🐾

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Thank you, Rex. Please pass on my thanks to your sisters.

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Lovely photo and your words Rex have you thought of being a Novelist.

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Rivera has a boner for Mr Blaire White.

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Great job ladies. You are all STARS 🌟

#Rexisms 🤣🤣

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Looking forward to the replay.🤞

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