I practically burst a blood vessel reading about those vile misogynists who don't want the mother to have contact with her son. She did this incredible thing for them, and they think they can just discard her. Utterly repulsive human beings who should be nowhere near a child if that's how they behave.

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Well said. I agree with you about all the surrogacy stuff. I also think the whole egg and sperm freezing industry is contributing to much of the distress and dysfunction we are seeing with kids (and adults).

How can it make sense to store eggs and sperm in cold temperatures and chemicals and think that the babies won't be affected? They are after all 'out of synch' with time and connection with the mother's microbiome. Are they affected at a deep cellular level and traumatised for life, left feeling 'lost' and disconnected due to their first 'home' being so clinical and sterile. What of the long periods, months sometimes years spent in those freezers? Is there a connection with autism and other disorders I wonder? I have written about this on my substack, if you're interested.

I think it's way past time that we talked more about this and put the unborn children first. It's so unfair to continue with this baby factory model. Big pharma of course love all this stuff and it goes hand in hand with all the other grotesque frankenscience of 'gender' mutilations and late term abortions/organ harvesting. Enough already!

By the way, I hope you saw Kellie-Jay speaking to Megyn Kelly in LA.

As I've said before, I reckon that we have to stop using the terms 'trans' & 'gender' and call it what it is. Mental illness.

Much love to you and your family

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Amen be praised! I feel at this moment like what people must go to church to try to feel. My heart resonates with yours. I also am an auntie (please excuse my California spelling) and am nulliparous by choice, because of what I experienced of rape culture as a child. I heard a news report about babies left stateless during the pandemic shutdown in Ukraine which just left me heartbroken. What an utter commodification of human beings and violation of human rights. Thank you for voicing your indignation at this outrage against tamariki and wahine. ❤️❤️❤️

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In search of reasons and level playing fields, I hate to sound like a jerk, but here goes. How can people be as precious as diamonds if we are as common as corn? I wonder if our populous world has caused our degradation? Not that I approve of genocide for the purpose of "weeding the garden" so to speak, but could it be that we take life for granted because we lost our faith in the divine and now it seems like we are "littered" like literal rats in that rat colony experiment, which turned into something like a Charles Dickens novel, replete with mustache twirling rat pimps and helpless victim rats and psychotic murder rats and vain rats and bona fide incel rats. The perversion is beyond. It's too much.

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I hear ya, J. Life is cheap when there's billions of us, it's human nature to value it so cheaply thus.

What will make this degeneracy stop? I fear we're heading into a very dark age.

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In Astrology circles we are seeing that darkness coming in. I am a Taoist Astrologer, so I have taken it upon myself to show the how the Dark and Light Archetypes operate in their pure forms, which can on some level help us to understand ourselves.

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Yes babies are not commodities. A child needs their mother.

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