
Arohamai for the double-up of tuakana Phillippa's submission: though it *is* worth more than one watch!

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Great postcard to Ginny Anderson - but your parting shot in your oral submission, even though wasn't intentional, is one of the greatest of all time - lol!

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Thank you, fellow miscreant and bad (most excellent) TERF!

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More astute analysis from you and your fellow Warriors.

I'd love to take a look at these apparent children who were watching. Have a feeling they were bald middle aged men identifying as children.

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Indeed, Lola! What a joke: Rachel was notable for looking like the Joker's Mother throughout every submission critical of the genderwoo.

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What an utter disgrace 😤

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Gosh it's seems like several lifetimes ago we did these

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Doesn't it just? Time flies when you're being gaslit, huh?

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Thanks for the article Rex. That Louisa is a nasty piece of work indeed.

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Omg, did I enjoy those clips. Thanks so much from Terf Island Rex, for those of us who hadn’t seen them. I feel reinvigorated!


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You're welcome, darlin'!

And we've got even more fierce since then LoL.

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Jun 19Liked by Rex Landy


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