Men can't get pregnant. Men can't breastfeed. Men can't menstruate. Men should not compete against women. Sex changes have a 100% failure rate.

And surgically mutilating and chemically castrating children is not healthcare.

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And we must keep repeating it and fighting against the panderers and lickspittles that are cheering this on. Thanks for being indefatigable, friend!

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Couldn’t agree more Rex including the bit about surrogacy which I know people will disagree about. My take is that finding out that you are adopted is hard enough but there are usually reasons that the child can come to terms with. Finding out that you’ve been bought and sold, no matter what the adult motivations were, must be devastating. I can only picture a child, in the middle of the night, in tears thinking ‘my mother wanted money more than me’. It’s a psychological experiment on children along with the vile gender stuff we are forcing on them. It’s no wonder we have a crisis in mental health problems in the young. Children are a gift, not a human right although I dread to think how they’ll be viewed if the transhumanists find ways to grow babies in pods as they are attempting.

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Pretty sure I've said this before and I'll say it again lassie,I fucking love you😘😘😘

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Thanks, quine!

How people can't see this anti-life, anti-everything-good medical cult needs tearing down boils my piss. Wilful pretend.

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Jun 28Liked by Rex Landy

They would see if only they would LOOK -bir we are the c U next Tuesday's for showing them.🙄

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You know us, quine. Women: guilty until proven MORE guilty.

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Some nice memes but the best laugh was minuet steps.

If a typo, a great one. The slow boil slow dance to hell.

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Nah mate, I know what I was writing there.... the stately gavotte/minuets being performed are part of the problem for real x

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I always find it funny when I see them say this. We know trans people exist because they remind us of their existence every five seconds when we attempt to have a conversation focused on women.

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Jesus fucking Christ! Finally some plain language! I’m with you! Thank you, hero!!!!

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"We must resist the reframing of men’s fetishes as women’s lived experience and reality."

That hit hard 👌

Also haven't heard it phrased as "homosexual is infertile" before, is that how it's being framed for the purposes of "reproductive equality"?

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I agree

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