I had quite a few exchanges with Liam before he eventually blocked me. He was all over social media for years (mostly sucking 'daddy' Corbyn's cock) before going very very quiet. Apparently, sexually assaulting young lesbians- one dropped out of uni because of him - isn't looked on too kindly by the sane, non-rapey people among us. He did have an insta account during lockdown, boasting about doing work for the NHS. He deleted it when people started contacting the NHS about his previous behaviour.

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Well color me uninformed. Five minutes ago I happily didn't know this psycho existed.

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He’s a perfect illustration of our current Labour government.

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Definitely ban him from women’s toilets. He might carry out his ‘threat’.

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Do Fae Johnstone (Johnston?) In Canada. Vile.

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Yep. Utterly loathsome.

I've occasionally wondered if he wasn't some kind of cryptoTERF.

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I understand that there's talk about his transitioning into a boymoding career with DoorDash. Couldn't have happened to a nicer fella.

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I remember him from 2019, before I was banned from Twitter.

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"Lolsuit"... just brilliant

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